☆What is a Hairfall? =Hairfall also known as baldness is a term used to describe loss of hair from the body. It is common nowadays in everyone's hair, but it doesnot mean that you will let it go forever as, if it goes for a long time then it may even need the surgery. ☆The hairfall is of two types that are:- ●Male pattern hair loss ●Female pattern hair loss. ☆CAUSES 》 ●Thyroid disease ■ anaemia ■ protein deficiency ■chemotherepy ■ lice ■ low vitamin level can cause the Hairfall. ☆ HOW TO PREVENT IT:- Ingredients- 1) ● Aloevera gel ( Natural) 2) ● Shampoo 3) ● Oil ( your choice) ☆ How to prepare:- 1. Oil your hair properly and then wait for 30 minutes. 2. Now take aloevera gel and massage on your scalp for 1-2 minutes properly. 3. Apply shampoo after this. 4. Now rinse your hair with cold water. ☆ FRIENDS, Aloe vera is believed to be a good natural herbal remedy for hair loss . There is little scientific evidence to support aloe ve...
First and foremost, for the various key parameters I have stated below, each individual will have different priority orders. Just go through the following sub-headings and factor in your preferences and usage, and I hope you'll be able to make a more informed decision. This is an extremely comprehensive guide to smartphone buying, but I’ll keep it s non-technical as possible and focus more on the usability aspect of it all. So let's get started. PRICE Before buying a new smartphone, the first thing that we are pretty clear about more often than not is the price range. Even though it is good to be clear about this, always be just a bit flexible about the same, as an additional 2K-3K could make a significant difference and that extra money spent could very well be worth it. For example - A person having a budget of 25K INR is better off buying Oneplus 3 for 27999 and that extra 2999 is completely worth it. SIZE In all my interactions regarding smartphones, more...